FFMPEG is installed on your server and working properly. Code: ".self::$termination_code."" : "FFMPEG does not appear to be installed on your server. Code: ".self::$termination_code.""; } protected static function ffmpeg($args) { $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr is a file to write to ); $pipes= array(); $cmd = self::$ffmpeg_root."ffmpeg ".$args; self::log_command($cmd); $process = proc_open($cmd, $descriptorspec, $pipes); $output= ""; if (!is_resource($process)) return false; #close child's input immediately fclose($pipes[0]); stream_set_blocking($pipes[1],false); stream_set_blocking($pipes[2],false); $todo= array($pipes[1],$pipes[2]); while( true ) { $read= array(); if( !feof($pipes[1]) ) $read[]= $pipes[1]; if( !feof($pipes[2]) ) $read[]= $pipes[2]; if (!$read) break; $ready= stream_select($read, $write=NULL, $ex= NULL, 2); if ($ready === false) { break; #should never happen - something died } foreach ($read as $r) { $s= fread($r,1024); $output.= $s; } } fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); self::$termination_code = proc_close($process); self::log_command($output); return $output; } private static function log_command($cmd) { if(self::$log_file_path) { $log = Director::baseFolder()."/".self::$log_file_path; $f = @fopen($log, 'a'); $entry = "[".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."] ".$cmd."\n"; @fwrite($f, $entry); @fclose($f); } } private function default_thumbnail() { $img = new Image_Cached(self::$default_video_icon_path); $img->ID = $this->ID; return $img; } private function SWFLink() { return Director::absoluteURL('dataobject_manager/code/flv/shadowbox/libraries/mediaplayer/player.swf'); } private function AllowFullScreen() { return $this->allow_full_screen ? "true" : "false"; } private static function remove_file_extension($filename) { $ext = strrchr($filename, '.'); if($ext !== false) $filename = substr($filename, 0, -strlen($ext)); return $filename; } private static function clean_file($str) { $t = strtolower($str); $t = str_replace('&','-and-',$t); $t = str_replace('&','-and-',$t); $t = ereg_replace('[^A-Za-z0-9]+','-',$t); $t = ereg_replace('-+','-',$t); return $t; } public function Icon() { return "sapphire/images/app_icons/mov_32.gif"; } public function FLVPath() { return self::remove_file_extension($this->Filename).".flv"; } public function FLVLink() { return Director::absoluteURL($this->FLVPath()); } private function absoluteRawVideoLink() { return Director::baseFolder()."/".$this->Filename; } private function absoluteFLVPath() { return Director::baseFolder()."/".$this->FLVPath(); } private function hasFLV() { return Director::fileExists($this->FLVPath()); } public function getThumbnail() { if($img = DataObject::get_one("Image","Title = 'flv_thumb_{$this->ID}'")) return Director::fileExists($img->Filename) ? $img : false; return false; } private function createFLV() { $args = sprintf("-i %s -ar %d -ab %d -f flv %s", $this->absoluteRawVideoLink(), self::$audio_sampling_rate, self::$audio_bit_rate, $this->absoluteFLVPath() ); $output = self::ffmpeg($args); } private function createThumbnail() { $img_title = "flv_thumb_".$this->ID; if($existing = DataObject::get("Image","Title = '$img_title'")) { foreach($existing as $file) $file->delete(); } $folder = Folder::findOrMake(self::$thumbnail_folder); $img_filename = self::clean_file(self::remove_file_extension($this->Title)).".jpg"; $abs_thumb = Director::baseFolder()."/".$folder->Filename.$img_filename; $args = sprintf("-y -i %s -an -s %s -ss %d -an -r 1 -vframes 1 -y -vcodec mjpeg -f mjpeg %s", $this->absoluteFLVPath(), self::$default_thumbnail_width."x".self::$default_thumbnail_height, self::$thumbnail_seconds, $abs_thumb ); self::ffmpeg($args); $img = new Image(); $img->setField('ParentID',$folder->ID); $img->Filename = $folder->Filename.$img_filename; $img->Title = $img_title; $img->write(); } public function onBeforeWrite() { parent::onBeforeWrite(); if(!$this->hasFLV()) $this->createFLV(); if(!$this->getThumbnail()) $this->createThumbnail(); } public function Player($width = null, $height = null) { if($width === null) $width = self::$video_width; if($height === null) $height = self::$video_height; $image = ($thumb = $this->VideoThumbnail()) ? $thumb->CroppedImage($width,$height)->URL : ""; self::$player_count++; Requirements::javascript('dataobject_manager/code/flv/swfobject.js'); Requirements::customScript(sprintf( "swfobject.embedSWF('%s','player-%s','%d','%d','9.0.0','expressInstall.swf',{file : '%s',image : '%s'},{allowscriptaccess : 'true', allowfullscreen : '%s'})", $this->SWFLink(), self::$player_count, $width, $height, $this->FLVLink(), $image, $this->AllowFullScreen() ) ); return "
"; } public function forTemplate() { return $this->Player(); } public function VideoThumbnail() { if(self::has_ffmpeg() && !$img = $this->getThumbnail()) $this->createThumbnail(); $img = $this->getThumbnail(); return $img ? $img : $this->default_thumbnail(); } /** * SSViewer doesn't accept more than two arguments for template * functions. Here's a hack. If an arg is, e.g. 200x400 it will * split that into width/height for thumb for first arg, and popup * for second arg. * * Examples: * $VideoPopup(450,200) : Returns a video popup with thumbnail * 450 width, 200 height. Popup is default dimensions * * $VideoPopup(450x200,800x600) : Returns a video popup with thumbnail * 450 width, 200 height. Popup is 800 width, 600 height. * * $VideoPopup(450x200) : Same as first example. * */ public function VideoPopup($arg1 = null, $arg2 = null) { $popup_width = null; $popup_height = null; if($arg1 !== null && stristr($arg1,"x")) list($thumb_width,$thumb_height) = explode("x",$arg1); else $thumb_width = $arg1; if($arg2 !== null && stristr($arg2,"x")) list($popup_width,$popup_height) = explode("x",$arg2); else $thumb_height = $arg2; if($popup_width === null) $popup_width = self::$default_popup_width; if($popup_height === null) $popup_height = self::$default_popup_height; return $this->customise(array( 'PopupWidth' => $popup_width, 'PopupHeight' => $popup_height, 'ThumbWidth' => $thumb_width, 'ThumbHeight' => $thumb_height, 'Title' => $this->Title, 'Link' => $this->FLVLink(), 'Thumbnail' => $this->VideoThumbnail()->CroppedImage($thumb_width, $thumb_height), 'PlayButton' => self::$play_button_overlay ))->renderWith(array('FLVpopup')); } } ?>